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Human beings better flourish together. Move in relation to others and experience headwinds and ballasts as a source of energy and inspiration. Our context-specific approach combines seemingly contradicting values and forces to open-up new pathways which we present with these six sample concepts.

Being more human in an increasingly complex world

Playfully exploring possible futures

Creating healthy systems that connect  human beings, environment and nature

Positive Impact Games

"What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible" - Theodore Roethke

Realize your positive impact, and you will set something in motion that is good for the greater good in both the short and long term.

Positive Impact Games

Creative games exploring new forms of collaboration that can be practically applied in your organisation or community. For organisations that want to increase their (sustainability) impact. Group size; 15-50 people.

During Positive Impact Games, you play together, both literally and figuratively, with impact. You experiment extensively, co-create innovative solutions, and learn from brilliant mistakes. Acting from a place of not-knowing, you collectively design dynamic systems on a small scale. Through hands-on experience, you encounter emergent learning and working processes, playfully exploring complexity with trust.

Future Thinking Playground

“Innovators are ones whose dreams are clearer to them than the reality that tells them they're crazy.” - Simon Sinek

"Today was once conceived by future thinkers, individuals who dare to set dots on the horizon and explore paths that lead to them."

Future Thinking Playground

Meet each other in Dreamcafés, share your story and future dreams on the back of a MeYouWeDo beermat. For organisations building on narratives as a source of innovation. Group size; 10-500+ people.

"Personal stories and future dreams form a rich humus layer for future thinking. Every story and every dream matters. By sharing them, we not only enrich them, but also increase our chances of realizing dreams together. On the Future Thinking Playground, we build bamboo Dream Cafés where we assess the value of our dreams for the future, considering the greater good. Does it have value for me? You - someone else? We - all of us? Including the Earth?"

Polarity Navigator

“The art of being curious in disagreement” - Nora Bateson

Functioning well without polarities is inconceivable. Take our breathing, for example. Every day we inhale and exhale countless times. Two different movements, opposite and complementary, are equally important for a healthy system.

Polarity Navigator

Step into a world where you can enrich your perspective with that of others. Multi-disciplinary groups in organisations wanting to benefit from seemingly contradicting perspectives. Group size; a multitude of small groups

The Polarities Navigator is a tool for organizations that want to explore "how well are we doing?" In dialogue, we collectively map out poles and counter-poles within the organization, as opposing perspectives can both be true at the same time. Emphasizing "both-and" thinking instead of "either-or" helps us discover values beyond our own perspective. Exploring different perspectives and contexts enhances our understanding of "are we doing the right thing?"

Mystery Tours

”Man lives in a world of Meanings. What he hears and sees means what he wants or can assume.” - George Herbert Mead

Generating inspiring ideas, innovating, and breaking conventional patterns are strongly activated by doing unconventional things together.

Mystery Tours

Outdoor events that highlight meaning, motivation and human relations. For organisations putting human beings central in the larger context.

The shortest and most fruitful route to inspiration is away from the beaten path. Mystery Tours deliberately venture into unfamiliar territory. Moving outside, in nature or an urban environment, we pass by unique places. There, we appeal to the sources of co-creation: curiosity, wonder, empathy, and compassion. Meandering slowly through new landscapes, we exchange thoughts on what "being more human in an increasingly complex world" means for our collaboration and organization.


”Wanderer, there is now path, paths are made by walking” - Antonio Machado

What does the future look like? What does this mean for our organization? How can we successfully contribute to the greater whole?


A flexible approach for teams in a multi-stakeholder context. Exploring possible future pathways together.

In Worldbuilding, we travel to the future of our organization. We design a new imaginary world and imagine how and in what role we want to make a meaningful impact. We determine our current position and ask ourselves "where are we now?" From here, we come up with concrete stepping stones towards the future. By zooming in and out, we gradually decide which priorities, choices, and creative solutions will help us navigate towards our vision.

Expedition Homo Florens

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb

Thriving is a team sport, it's 100% collaboration for the greater good.

Expedition Homo Florens

For people in organisations and society working towards an ecology of connection and interaction.

Change starts with a greater awareness. We can transform organizations into nourishing ecosystems when we understand why we do what we do and value where we want to go together. During Homo Florens Expeditions, we work on Inner Development Goals. Transformative competencies and skills that help create thriving systems where Homo Florens can do what it's good at: connecting personal well-being with the well-being of others.

We approach every collaboration with MeYouWeDo as a MeYouWeDo. The examples on this page provide an impression of what is possible. Therefore, we are eager to listen to specific needs and connect with the local context for optimal results.